New Job
So I've started a new job at Teletech, as Sprints customer support service, basically people will call me asking me where their cellphone is that's being sent to them or they got it and its broken, or they got it don't like it and want a new one. course i haven't actually taken any calls yet, its all been paper work so far. but i have made a few friends so far, mind you i have no idea what their last name is but their first names are Angela, Rusty(which is actually Jason but no one has ever called him that) Jennifer, and that's about it for people i like so far.
Kimmy and Nick will be leaving on Saturday, YEA! so that's exciting :) not much else can be said i think plus its hard to write while watching a movie. :)
Kimmy and Nick will be leaving on Saturday, YEA! so that's exciting :) not much else can be said i think plus its hard to write while watching a movie. :)