Birds of a Feather

Friday, February 19, 2010

Life's directions

Life can be so frustrating when you don't know what you wanna do with it. All my working years I've worked in retail and frankly I'm just tired of all the BS that comes with it. Most if not all the jobs I loved working with my fellow workers but man the person above me are always awful, the longest I've worked at a place a believe was 6 months and my favorite job sadly only lasted 6 months then went under for whatever reason.

Why cant I figure out what I'm good at at get a job that I'll actually enjoy going to for more the 6 months? does that job even exist? I'm supsot to be going to this E.I. group thing to figure out what i wanna do with my life. I was advice to take a test thingy to tell me some of the jobs that would be interesting to be bast on my answers. sadly the top results were all the same, Animation, which i have no interest in what so ever. So my choices are go back to school and see if i can find something i like there, or suck it up and go back to retail. Which is beyond frustrating. I like helping people but I want to get paid for it too, and I'm not really good at the school thing so i really don't want to go back to school.

there's just sometimes i really hate my life, people around me seem like they have their life together, they know where their going or know where they want it to go, I'm 26 years old and i still have no clue what i want to be when i grow up, and it makes me made that i have no direction in my life, and i have no one to blame but myself.

when i was little i wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps and go over seas, and yet i had no idea what i was going to do once i got there mind you I just wanted to be over there. i cant preach or teach, i don't do well with groups, and I'm not a builder so that wouldn't help, and i cant heal people b/c i have no desire to work as a doctor or nurse. So that idea's out the door.

when i was 14-15 i wanted to do something with ASL but had no idea what, i picked it language really fast b/c of the whole visual learning thing, but again what would i do? All i know is that i like to work with my hands, like organizing, lists, and helping people. If i can find something with all that and have a nice boss that would be awesome, but i wont hold my breath.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trying to look pretty

Every once and awhile i try to look pretty, today i didn't go all out but was bored and tried on 3 out of my 4 dresses trying to look pretty. no one can fault me for trying :)

The purple dress i got from V&V, Red dress, Lee gave me on Valentines day one year, and the Black/Red flower dress another one from V&V i wore to Lee's last year football get together.

Sadly wearing these dresses made me a tad upset, b/c I never have a reason to wear them outside of the house, aside for that one dress that saw the light of day. there never seems to be any reason to wear something fancy out anywhere. why get all dressed up with no place to go?