Birds of a Feather

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Job search

well i finally got around do doing my job search, and i gotta tell ya, i'm not too hopeful, the amount of jobs around this town is deadly. I had 5 resumes and i got 3 out, sad really. onea asked if i'm avalable year round, so i'm guessing they would be looking for people in the rush seasons. and another one i went to was a little hopeful but doughtful, but who know. the last place i looked at wasnt sure if they'd even be there tomorrow. but I vollenteered my time for help if they wanted it. yeah yeah "but your not going to be getting paid for it" Big hairy deal I NEED to get out of the house! plus when they get going they'd put me on the pay role.

anyway i'm not going to hold my breath, if i dont get a job in oh i'd say by the end of this month i'll go on unempyment and stink on the whole thing.
I dont think i need to tell you how no thrilled i am about living here. I'd sooner be back in Halifax, and or somewhere new that has more the a few job opportunites.

on a differnt topic, i've tried that new flavoured water, yea not all taht wonderful, i mean its nice then just plan old water. or maybe i got the wrong flavour who knows, I got grape and its tastes kinda funky, kinda like a sports drink but who cares right? :)

another one of lee's baby fish died today, i dont know whats getting them buttheir all kinda keeling over, what did he have before like 8 or something now theres 5 crazy, i know. today when i came home i found one of lee's snals in the baby fish tank, kinda funny b/c its shaped a certen way and it make you wonder how in the world it got in there, but as far as i know its doing some good so i'm not going to mess with it.

Treeps going fine, every once and while he'll start meowing like theres no tomorrow, like yesterday morning and this morning, it was crazy, i dont know what he was excited about "yelling" to let everyone know he was happy about something. since summer is here theres all kinds of birds out and he got nuts when he sees them its kinda funny.

Well i guess thats all form me for now

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

High School

Dont mind my rant

mind you i dont miss high school one bit. but you know what gets me, when your in High school you think this is it, everything here matters. Like all the "classes" of people in school, what the deal with that? who's to say your "cooler" then anyone else? there classes (at least in my school) like Jocks, Preps, Nerds, Outsiders, Brains and a few in between people that just dont get a a "class". I have no idea where i fit in i sure whats "cool" in school though. I dont think i had a class. but really does it even matter now?

The day you graduate the worlld doesnt care if you were a Geek or a Prep your on your own now. I saw a few people from school a few years ago, and in school they were known as "cool" i believe and when i was him, he was just some guy hanging out with a friend or two. big deal.

the only thing i miss about high school is having my friends all in one area, now their all spread out and it sucks. I think i only talk to one of my friends from school on a semi regular basis. I miss the simple life, not having to worry about bills, paying the rent on time, and just spending the money on me not anyone else. I miss living at home, knowing when ever i needed to atlk to someone either mom or dad was just down the hall, instead of acorss the ocean.

mind you i dont dislike my life now, as bored as i may be, i still love being married, i mean theres somethings i dont like--dirty dishes that arent mine for example. but i wouldnt triade my life for anything even when there were hard times.

i'm sorry i dont have real point to my rant i just had to get somethings off my chest.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Taylor - Bird

when I got married I didn't think it would be a huge deal that I changed my name. I mean people were all like, are you going to keep your name, how can you just change your name. my thought on that was I've been a Taylor for 22 years I can change my name now, its just part of getting married, or so i thought.

now in the last week or so, people cant figure out who i am with my name changed. i don't Regret i it of course, I love the name Bird. course theres a ton of names that can go with the name, such as Baby Bird, Big Bird, Momma Bird (which wont be happening in a long time) but theres some examples. :)

its kinda funny. people I've known since I moved to Sussex didn't know who i was when i e-mailed them. kinda funny. i figured when mom and dad went to Sussex After the wedding mom would have told someone there that I got married and word would have spread like wild fire. you know the no secrets in Sussex bit.

oh you know what funny. when Lee and I were dating someone is Sussex got wind that Lee had bought an engagement ring (I told Eileen and someone over heard) word spread, and then the person who over heard e-mailed Mom and Dad to congraduate them on my Engagement! good thing i had already told mom about the ring in itself. Dad on the other hand didn't (i think) and he was like "what?!" haha right b/c I'd tell my parents first. as far as i know rumor ended but i don't know i was gone. haha

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

fish & Stuff

One of Lee's fish had baby fishies, Lee saved about 9 of them and they now have their own little home in the tank where the other fish cant get to them. you should have seen how excited Lee was about the fish, its funny b/c he just sits and watches them for hours if he could. He got two new additions to the tank, two snails oh yes and another one of his fish is pregnant also, so we'll have more little fishies swimming around soon. No new deaths to the family of fish, so thats good.

the job search is still in the making, I'm looking more seriously into the home base business of photo restoration, making bad pictures look good again.

sometimes i wish i knew what the future held, you know. Right now Lee and Ryan are fighting to keep the animation cartoon they wrote the together from not getting less money then they agreed on, after this job is over here, they dont know where we're going to end up, either back in Halifax, over to BC or even over to Europe. Who knows, but I'd like to. I mean it doesn't matter i'll go regardless, but it would be nice to know whats going on.

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